外贸询盘邮件范文模板 外贸询盘邮件范文( 二 )

(3)之一封邮件更好写上Mr.或者Ms.某某,职位写SALES 等,不管你是不是经理,写上没关系,你职位高客户会觉得把他当回事,有好处 。(4)落款有公司标识以及详细联系资料 三、版面整洁,在OE里面将撰写邮件的字体,字号(10-12号比较好)都设置好,不要一会大字一会小字;也不要花花绿绿的,特别是不要全篇都是大写字母,会增加阅读的难度,让人反感 。除非是对一些需要特别提醒客户注意的地方,可以用大写,加粗,特殊颜色等突出显示 。四、拼写无误,在每封邮件发出之前都应该利用拼写检查工具检查是否全部拼写无误 。五、表述准确,能够准确表达我方的观点,不要使客户产生任何的歧义,尽量避免有歧义的单词或者 短语,尽量避免使用 俚语 等 。六、详细,能够提供给客户非常详细的资料,回答他的问题,并将他没有问到的问题提出来 。有时候你提出的问题会让客户觉得你很细心,很可靠而且非常专业 。当然,详细并不是说一股脑的将所有东西都托盘而出,应该学会在适当的时候谈适当的事情 。七、有条理,能够让客户清楚地明白邮件内容,谈完一件事再谈另外一件,混在一起会让人头晕 。很多时候,用1,2,3,4等标出来你要说的东西会非常有用,客户很清楚就知道你要说或者问什么 。
八、方式多样,比如配合作图说明,照片说明等,往往很多事情用语言很难说清楚,但是如果给一张图纸,或者一幅 照片,那就一目了然了 。比如你说你如何玉树临风,说再多什么用,来张PP不就明白了? 九、及时,做到当天邮件当天答复,在收到邮件后应该马上整理出自己不能解决的技术问题,及时提供给技术部门或者供应商,要求他们在什么时候给予详细答复 。养成一个好习惯,在早上收到邮件后,整理出哪些需要询问技术人员或者供应商的,将问题给他们后,再来回复能够回复的邮件 。如果不能当天答复,给客户一个说明,为什么答复不了,并承诺一个明确的时间 。十、适时跟踪,一般客户都是同时询问很多的供应商,所以要适时提醒他你把他放在心里,并让他知道你在等待 。比如公司有了什么技术改进或者新的产品开发,可以发送给很多客户,或许机会就在那里 。外贸管理软件会隔一阶段以系统通知的方式提醒业务员,某个客户有多久没有跟踪联系了 。十一、学会维护和客户的关系,这个是最难的一点,同时也是最重要的,需要自己体会 。坦诚对人,不要欺骗,基本的一点 。适当的恭维也很有用 。有关外贸邮件的范文1交易的之一步 1. 向顾客推销商品 Dear Sir: May 1, 2001our new , the DeerBike, have beenin from all parts of the world.from userswhat we knewit was put on the- that it is the bestbike .is our . Yours2. 提出询价 Dear Sir: Jun.1, 2001 Weyourandtoday. Wethat your would do well here in the U.S.A.send usof yourand terms of sale. We ask you to make everyto quote atin order toour . We looktofrom you soon.. Truly 3. 迅速提供报价 Dear Sir: June 4, 2001 Thank you for yourof June the 1stthe DeerBike. It gives us greatto send along theon the modelwith theand price list. Aftertheand terms of trade, you willwhy we aretoto meet the . We lookto theof being ofof you. 有关外贸邮件的范文2交易的契机 4. 如何讨价还价 Dear Sir: June 8, 2001 We haveyour price lists and haveit . , the price level in youris too high for this , If you areto grant us aof 10% for aof 200, we would agree to your offer. Younote that some price cut willby anin . We hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly 5-1 同意进口商的还价 Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001 Thank you for yourof June the 8th. We haveyour offer on the terms .our will find aprice list that wewill meet your ideas of . Younote that thein rawhavethe cost of this. , for your order we have kept ourdown.5-2 拒绝进口商的还价 Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001 Thank you for yourof June the 8th. Wethat weyour terms. We must point out that thehereusor noof . We must ask you for aprice into. Atthe bestfor aof 200 is 5%. Ourusroom to . We hope you willthe offer. Truly 6. 正式提出订单 Dear Sir: June 15, 2001 We haveyour offer of 5% andit on the terms . We areto give youra trial,you canon orthe 20th of . Theorder is givenon this . Wethe right ofofand/orof the order after this date. Truly 7. 确认订单 Dear Sir: June 20, 2001 Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 DeerBikes. We will make everyto speed up . We willyou of the date of . We are at yourat all times.8. 请求开立信用证 : June 18, 2001 Thank you for your order No. 599. In order toit,open anL/C for theof US$ 50,000 in our favor. Thisshall beuntil Sep. 20. Uponof the L/C we will pack and ship the order as .9. 通知已开立信用证 Dear Sir: June 24, 2001 Thank you for yourof June 18of your terms.to yourforanL/C, we havetheCityBank to open afor US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20.us by fa_ when the order has been .10. 请求信用证延期 Dear Sir: Sep. 1, 2001 We are sorry tothat in spite of our , we aretoby thedate due to aat our . We arethat your L/C will be. ,ourto yourandtheirtothe L/C to Sept.30.11. 同意更改信用证 : Sept. 5, 2001 Weyourtoday and haveourof your . As , we havetheCityBank tothe L/C up to and30.keep usof any new .交易的进行 12. 抱怨发货迟延 Dear Sirs: Sept. 25, 2001our order No. 599 for 200bikes, so far you haveonly 50 bikesthe . We areyou that weour right to claim on you for the , if it is . We have given ourathat we wouldthe goods by the end of . We hope you will look into this. Yours12a. 处理客户的抱怨 : Sept. 30, 2001 Into yourof Sept.25, weyourvery much. Today wefrom Hong Kong that the150 bikes were on a ship thatand had to put into port for . Thewas not , and theis now on her way. She wouldat your placeor the ne_t day. Truly 14-1 取消订货 Dear Sirs: Oct. 2, 2001 We are sorry thatyourhave made itfor you to keep thedate of Sept. 30. Since you havetoyour end of the , we find ittoour order. , ourwaitfor the units. We are sorry that it isto take such astep.14-2 谅解迟运原因 : Oct. 2, 2001 We haveof yourof delay ofdue toon the ship. We arethat the order is now on its way. Thank you for the . We arethe ship's . Yours有关外贸邮件的范文3交易的尾声 15. 货物损坏 报告Dear Sirs: Oct. 4, 2001 Uponof your , the ship'sthat case No. 5 wasandus. Theofin the case isto the , but theare : (List of ) As you will see in ourand of the ship's ', that these units areand quite .send usfor the; we await your reply in due .16-1. 拒绝承担损坏责任 Dear Sirs: Oct. 8, 2001 Thank you forus of the. Since the units werewith the best of care, we can onlythat the cases were. Weurge you to lodge your claim with the.16-2. 承担赔偿责任 : Oct. 8, 2001 As soon as we got yourwe got in touch with theand asked them to look into the . Itthat the fault lies with theused. We have sincethe . Wefor the , and area new.17. 催要逾期货款 Dear Sirs: Nov. 30, 2001 It has come to ourthat youris one month . The unitswereto you on26 and wereon30.is due on . We looktoyoura week.18. 付清逾期货款 Dear Sirs: Oct. 3, 2001 We haveinto the cause of the delay inand have found that ourmade aninyour . We are sorry for the . The sum of US$ 20,000 has been sent to you byandreach you.有关外贸邮件的范文相关 文章 :