“读懂中国”主题演讲|马布里:从NBA到CBA,中国文化哲学如何影响了我 中国之最为主题的演讲属于( 二 )

首先我想感谢大家今天听我的演讲,感谢大家和我一起度过这段时光,我非常荣幸,很高兴来这里和大家交流 。今天我想谈一谈体育精神,到底什么是致胜之道 。我在篮球运动生涯中学到很多知识,增长了很多智慧 。我在两个大洲生活了40多年,在东西方不同的文化之间不断地游走 。
Let me first say thank you. I thank you for sharing this moment in time with me, as it is my honor and pleasure to be here with you today.
Today, I want to speak about the spirit of sports and the right way to win. I learned a wealth of knowledge and gained a lot of wisdom about these very topics during my professional basketball career, which spans more than 40 years on two continents, in two distinct cultures prominent in the Western and Eastern parts of the world.
在我来中国之前,很多人通过媒体认识我,认为我是一只“独狼” 。尽管我在NBA的成绩很出色,我在NBA的13年里取得了很多的成绩,每一场都能够有大概20分得分,有8次助攻,这是很难做到的,但成绩数据并不是我作为球员时最重要的事 。我想赢,然而我获得了一个“粘球”的名声,因为这种试图赢得比赛的方式,我很难和我的队友相处 。我非常专注于赢球,我太想赢了 。因为在篮球的世界里,“赢”是获得正面评价的唯一方式 。
Before I came here, many in China considered me “the Lone Wolf” based on the media's perception of me, even though my NBA stats were stellar. Over the 13 years I played in the NBA, I averaged nearly 20 points and eight assists per game, which is difficult to do. Still, my stats were not the most important thing to me when I played. I wanted to win. Yet, I gained a reputation as a ball hog, being difficult and hard to get along with my teammates because of the way I conducted myself in trying to win. I was so focused on winning because I know in the world of basketball WINNING is usually the only criterion to receiving positive recognition.
为了让你们了解今天的我,必须从我卑微而艰难的童年讲起 。我在纽约布鲁克林区康尼岛长大,我童年的生活非常艰难 。我们住在瑟夫赛德街,纽约最为贫困最为混乱的地区,所以我当时一心想打进NBA,因为我想让我的家人可以脱离那块充斥着枪支、犯罪和毒品的生活环境 。我花了数不清的时间和夜晚,甚至是还在上学的时候,在我们称之为“花园”的球场上磨练控球后卫应有的篮球技能 。我们叫那个地方“花园”,是因为我们都想象着自己在世界闻名的麦迪逊广场花园主场为家乡的篮球队纽约尼克斯队效力 。
For you to understand who I am today, you must learn about my humble, yet hard beginnings. I grew up on the tough streets of Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. Life was challenging for my family and me. We lived in the Surfside Gardens housing projects surrounded by some of the worst New York City has to offer. That is why I was determined to make it to the NBA.I wanted to get my family out of the projects where drugs, guns and crime ran rampant.
I spent countless hours and nights even on school days honing my basketball skills as a point guard on the court we called “The Garden." We called it the Garden because we all imagined ourselves playing for our hometown basketball team, the New York Knicks, on their home-court, the world-famous Madison Square Garden.
当我在附近的街区打球时,通常能吸引一群观众,年轻人、老年人和内心年轻的人,甚至当地的毒贩都会来看我打球,他们甚至会在篮球场上挑战我,因为就我这个年龄而言我的篮球技术非常纯熟,我就是人们所说的篮球神童,我的优秀来源于我的大哥埃里克,向我们三兄弟灌输了这样一个观念,如果我们想要称霸NBA,我们的身体就必须像机器一样运转 。我的二哥唐也告诉我,“弟弟,当你走进篮球场时,必须让人们知道你的名字,这样你就能知道他们知道你会打球,他们会尊重你 。”