冰霜女巫( 三 )

"Surrender. My triumph is inevitable." "The world began in ice and it will end in ice.""Close your eyes and let the cold take you.""I've killed so many queens I've lost count!"(对敌方寒冰射手-艾希的隐藏台词)"Kneel before me and I will unleash your power!!"(对敌方凛冬之怒-瑟庄妮的隐藏台词)“You reallypicked the wrong side."(对敌方复仇焰魂-布兰德的隐藏台词)

我让寒冰看起来……惹火了是这里太冷了,还是我太冷了"I make cold look... hot.""Is it cold in here, or is it just me?"