修改Android 12解锁失败等待时间规则详解( 三 )

long deadline = mLockPatternUtils.setLockoutAttemptDeadline(userId, timeoutMs);
设置了时间,然后返回一个终止时间(就是计时结束的时间戳),然后去实现倒计时处理的 。
/*** Set and store the lockout deadline, meaning the user can't attempt their unlock* pattern until the deadline has passed.* @return the chosen deadline.*/@UnsupportedAppUsagepublic long setLockoutAttemptDeadline(int userId, int timeoutMs) {final long deadline = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + timeoutMs;if (userId == USER_FRP) {// For secure password storage (that is required for FRP), the underlying storage also// enforces the deadline. Since we cannot store settings for the FRP user, don't.return deadline;}mLockoutDeadlines.put(userId, deadline);return deadline;}
由代码得知,其实参数是时间间隔,然后通过**.()**这个方法获取开机时间加上时间间隔,然后得到计时结束的时间戳存储起来 。
@Overridepublic void onPause() {super.onPause();mResumed = false;if (mCountdownTimer != null) {mCountdownTimer.cancel();mCountdownTimer = null;}if (mPendingLockCheck != null) {mPendingLockCheck.cancel(false);mPendingLockCheck = null;}reset();}@Overridepublic void reset() {// start freshmDismissing = false;mView.resetPasswordText(false /* animate */, false /* announce */);// if the user is currently locked out, enforce it.long deadline = mLockPatternUtils.getLockoutAttemptDeadline(KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser());/* UNISOC: Modify for bug1692403, 1760268 {@ */if (shouldLockout(deadline)) {handleAttemptLockout(deadline);} else if (KeyguardSecurityContainerController.mDeadLine == 0&& mView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {resetState();}}
/*** @return The elapsed time in millis in the future when the user is allowed to*attempt to enter their lock pattern, or 0 if the user is welcome to*enter a pattern.*/public long getLockoutAttemptDeadline(int userId) {final long deadline = mLockoutDeadlines.get(userId, 0L);final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();if (deadline < now && deadline != 0) {// timeout expiredmLockoutDeadlines.put(userId, 0);return 0L;}if (deadline > (now + timeoutMs)) {// device was rebooted, set new deadlinedeadline = now + timeoutMs;setLong(LOCKOUT_ATTEMPT_DEADLINE, deadline, userId);}return deadline;}
通过获取存储的计时结束时间戳,然后对比现在的时间,因为**.()**获取的是开机到现在的时间,所以只要关机重启,就会走下边的判断会根据最新的时间加上时间间隔,存储起来作为开机后的计时结束时间戳 。因此就看到开后会重新等待30秒的现象,因此我们在这里想要实现效果修改逻辑 。
/*** Set and store the lockout deadline by SystemCurrentTime, meaning the user can't attempt his/her unlock* pattern until the deadline has passed.* @return the chosen deadline.*/public long setLockoutAttemptDeadlineBySystemCurrentTime(int userId, int timeoutMs) {final long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;setLong(LOCKOUT_ATTEMPT_DEADLINE_CURRENTTIME, deadline, userId);setLong(LOCKOUT_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT_MS, timeoutMs, userId);return deadline;}/*** @return The SystemCurrentTime in millis in the future when the user is allowed to*attempt to enter his/her lock pattern, or 0 if the user is welcome to*enter a pattern.*/public long getLockoutAttemptDeadlineBySystemCurrentTime(int userId) {long deadline = getLong(LOCKOUT_ATTEMPT_DEADLINE_CURRENTTIME, 0L, userId);final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();if (deadline