empy是什么意思|empy的音标|empy的用法( 二 )

其筒身包含了地水火风空的元素及结合天地人和的因素,其中人和有五十六个民族的人群代表人和也象征人民大团结与和谐社会 。
7. That difficulty was easily fixed, though, by Siggard's sword belt, the empty sheath swaying at his side.
但这点困难很容易解决 。Siggard 用剑带束住裤子 。空剑鞘在他身旁摆动 。
8. empty
8. Empty double-bottoms and lower holds, and a heavy deck cargo.
空双底部和更低的拥有,以及沉重的甲板货物 。
9. Weigh the empty cup, position it under the chute, and slowly pour the powder from a height of 5.1 cm (2 inches) above the funnel through the volumeter, at a rate suitable to prevent clogging, until the cup overflows.
称空杯重,放在斜道下面,将粉末慢慢的从5.1 cm(2英寸)高处通过一个漏斗倒入体积计直到粉末溢出,倾倒速度以防止筛孔堵塞为准
10. A bomb went off in front of the cargo train and the blast forced the engine and 14 cars of the empty train to jump their tracks, according to local police.
当地警方称,炸弹在列车前方爆炸,造成货车头和14节空车厢脱轨 。
11. Five of them are to be filled with different alcoholic beverages and one is left empty.
在其中的5只杯子中倒上不同的酒,留一只空杯 。
12. I was able to get my bladder to release but not able to completely empty.
之前我能够小便但是不能完全排空 。
13. If Blockboard plastic surrounding a meeting, the phenomenon than putty, that he must have an internal or an empty slot.
如果细木工板的周边有补胶、比腻子的现象,就说明他的内部一定有缝隙或空洞 。
14. empty的意思
14. While cybercaf s in the U. S. remain half-empty as would-be patrons choose the privacy of Net access at home over cozying up to a public terminal on a bar stool, this recent fad has found a most willing market in Bangladesh.
在美国,由于潜在的主顾们情愿呆在家里独自上网而不愿坐在网吧的高凳上使用公共终端,所以网吧中有一半是空位置,而这一新时尚在孟加拉国却备受欢迎 。
15. Kindergarten children, wife not at home, Liu Qian a person lying in bed, staring down flower plates, empty his mind was never any fear and loneliness.
孩子上幼儿园,爱人不在家,刘倩一人躺在床上,死死盯着开花板,脑子里空空的,感到从未有的恐惧和孤独 。
16. There are three elements: sound, rhyme, and intonation. IPA adopted Zhao, Yuan Ren's melody in 1926 for Liu, Bian Nong's lyrics, to analyse sounds hidden by the tip of the tongue vowels:〔〕, 〔〕:which means empty vowel〔(The symbol is abbreviated〕, so these vowels should be added in pronunciation practice.
IPA的运用选自赵元任1926年谱曲刘半农词〈教我如何不想他〉,了解主要元音为何,特别是前舌单母音〔ㄗ〕、〔ㄘ〕、〔ㄙ〕、〔ㄓ〕、〔ㄔ〕、〔ㄕ〕、〔ㄖ〕:资、雌、私、之、池、施、日,这些音隐藏著舌尖元音〔〕、〔〕,即空韵符号〔〕因此发声练习时要特别加上这些元音 。
17. empty
17. Pulling bell is also called Empty Bell, Trembling Empty Bamboo, and Wind Calabash etc.
扯铃俗称空钟、抖空竹、风葫芦等,如今通称为扯铃 。
18. He put the Cavs on his back in Game 3, and I have no doubt his arsenal is far from empty going into Games 5, 6 and 7 of the Boston series.
他在第三场背起了骑士,我也毫不怀疑他仍有实力打好和凯尔特人的第 5、6、7场比赛 。
19. If the second parameter is not present or None, then the argument list is empty.
如果不存在第二个参数或是None,则参数列表为空 。
20. After the violent argument he felt empty.
激烈的争论之后他感觉耗尽了热情 。
empty 词典解释