get短语搭配 get短语

1、get above sb/:超过; 变得自高自大,自傲
举例:That young man isabove .He's only been in the firm two weeks and he'shishow to do their work.
那个年轻人自大起来了,他进公司才两个星期,就指点起比他年长资深的人如何工作来 。
2、get :跨越
举例:Theis so wellthat no one can get .
国境线守卫严密得没人能越过去 。
3、get after:催促; 责备
举例:He got after hisformud into the house.
他责备妹妹脚下踩着泥走进屋里 。
4、get :克服,解决(问题或困难); 规避,避开(法律或规章); (消息)传开; (通过讨好或奉承的手段)说服,哄骗; 到处旅行; 四处游历;
举例:She is so good atround him that she'll get the money all right.
她很善于哄他,结果就能把钱顺顺当当地搞到手 。
5、get at:责备; 不断地追问
举例:When the fox could not get at thehe said they were sour.
狐狸够不到葡萄,就说葡萄是酸的 。
下面是我整理的get常用短语,希望对大家有帮助 。
1)get down下来
2)get into 进入;陷入;养成(习惯);对……感兴趣
3)get up 起身;站起
4)get back 返回,回去,回家
5)get to 到达
6)get about 四处走动;(消息等)传开
7)get off从……下来;下车(船、飞机等)
8)get out出去
9)get on上车(船、飞机等)
10)get round传播;传开
11)get in收获
12)get 穿衣服
(13)get (使)通过;(使)理解
14)get 换衣服
(15)get home回到家
(17)get close to接近;靠近
18)get down下来
19)get over恢复;克服
20)get rid of去掉;除掉;处理
(21)get away from逃跑;离开
(22)get in touch with与……取得联系
(23)get ready for为……做准备
(24)get to sleep睡觉
(25)get out of从……出去
(26)get along / on well with sb./sth.与某人相处融洽;某事进展顺利
(27)get down to(doing )sth.开始认真做某事
2. 与get 有关的常见句式结构:
(1)“get +doing” 开始做某事
It’s half past ten ,and we must get going.十点半了,我们得走了 。
(2)“get + done ”可作为被动结构或者系表结构
They gotin the rain just now. 他们刚才遭到了雨淋 。
Mygot drunk . 昨天我父亲喝醉了 。
(3)“get +形容词” 为系表结构,意为“变成、变得”
Thegetsand . 天气越来越暖和了 。
(4)“get sb. to do sth.” 叫 / 让某人做某事 get后要接带to 的不定式 。区别“have sb./sth. do sth.”结构,该结构中have 后要接省掉不定式符号to的不定式 。
Get him to see aat once .(=Have him see aat once.)让他马上去看医生 。
(5)“get sb. / sth . doing sth .”让某人、某物开始做某事
Mr.Smith ,can you get the clock going again?史密斯先生,你能让这钟表重新转起吗?
Can you get meit?你可以让我解释一下吗?
(6)“get sth. done ”叫/让别人把某事做了
I’ll get my hair cut .明天我要理发 。
1.They came to help us as soon as theytheir work.
A. got along B. got off C. gotD. got in
2.How are youwith your new ?
A. get along B.along C. get in D.into
3. Don’twhile the bus is , or you may hurtand even.
A. get on B. get up C. get off D. get in
4.He’s sadhehistest, but I think hesoon .
A. can get it over B. is able to get over it C. will get it over D. will be able to get over it
5. It is said that he can’t gethis .
A. on well with B. along C. on D. along well
6.the workin time , we’ll take two more days.
A. To get B.C. Get D. Got A.
7.It’s time yousomeor the otherwill leave you .