look的过去式怎么说 look的过去式 look的过去形式

今天给大家分享初中英语动词 —— look 的用法
look 在初中英语阶段主要考察两个方面,一是其动词短语;二是做系动词,后接形容词;与 look相关的短语较多,都需要掌握,有助于对句子文章的理解;

look的过去式怎么说 look的过去式 look的过去形式

先看一看look 做动词时的各种形态:
looks(三单)- looking (现在分词)- looked(过去式)- looked(过去分词)
一、look 表示 “看”,主要指看的动作
而动词 see 指结果,表示“看见”
Look,there is a bird in the sky.
看,天上有一只鸟 。
I see the bird.
我看见那只鸟了 。
look的过去式怎么说 look的过去式 look的过去形式

与 look 相关的短语:
look at ... 看...Look at the picture.
He looked at me with a smile.
他笑着看了看我 。
(当表示“看这里/哪里”时,由于here/there为副词,不用介词at,直接为 look here/there)
look out 当心,= be carefulLook out,the tree is falling down.
当心,树快倒了 。
look out (of...)向外看
She likes to look out of the window.
她喜欢从窗户向外看 。
look for 寻找 (重点短语)What are you looking for? 你在找什么?
I am looking for my keys. 我在找我的钥匙 。
look like 看起来像... (重点短语)The cloud looks like a rabbit.
那个云看起来像一只兔子 。
look up 查阅(字典),向上看If you don&39;t know the meaning of the word, go and look up your dictionary.
如果你不知道单词的意思,去查字典 。
look up to ... 仰慕,钦佩
My father is the first one that I look up to.
父亲是我第一个仰慕的人 。
look after 照顾,照料,照看 (重点短语)= take care of = care for
When I was on vacation, Jenny helped me look after my pet.
我度假的时候,Jenny帮我照看宠物 。
She has to stay at home and look after her little brother on Saturdays.
她周六得呆在家照顾她的弟弟 。
look through 浏览,查看I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.
昨天我发现我姐姐正在查看我的东西 。
look forward to sth./doing 期待,盼望 (重点短语)(考查点:to 为介词,后跟名词或doing)
I look forward to hearing from you.
我期待着收到你的来信 。
We&39;re looking forward to the summer vacation.
我们期待着暑假的到来 。
look around 环顾四周,四处转转He looked around and got into the bank.
他环顾四周然后进了银行 。
look down on/upon... 瞧不起,看不起...Work hard! Don&39;t let them look down on you.
努力点,别人他们瞧不起你 。
look的过去式怎么说 look的过去式 look的过去形式

二、look 作系动词,表示“看起来”,后接形容词
You look sad. 你看起来不开心 。
The city looks beautiful from the top of the mountain.
The chicken looks tasty.
这鸡肉看起来很美味 。
其他系动词(感官动词) sound/smell/taste/feel + adj. 听/闻/尝/感觉(摸)起来...
三、look 也可以作为名词,“看,表情,外貌”
have/take a look (at...) 看一看
a look of surprise 惊讶的表情
中考英语对 look 作为系动词的考查较多,另外就是以上标注重点的短语考察;关于look这种类型的单词,其短语比单词本身的意思重要,看似简单,但对考试时句子文章的理解尤为关键;
look的过去式怎么说 look的过去式 look的过去形式

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