春节手抄报句子大全英文少一点 春节手抄报文字英语素材

春节手抄报句子大全英文少一点 春节手抄报文字英语素材

送你一份新年的喜悦 , 让你忘却烦恼 。
Send you a new years joy, let you forget the trouble.
祝你全家,身体康健 。
I wish you and your family good health.
在新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想 。
In the new year, we can open up new hope and new blank to carry new dreams.
希望过的五颜六色 , 而不是乱七八糟 。
Hope is colorful, not messy.
祝福随风来 , 愿你新年新气象,越过越精彩!
Wish you the best in the New Year!
你好,!愿新的一年,所有美好,皆为序章 。
【春节手抄报句子大全英文少一点 春节手抄报文字英语素材】
Hello, ! May the New Year be a prelude to all good things.
祝各位红红火火 , 顺顺利利,大吉大利,财运滚滚!
I wish you prosperity, good luck and good fortune!
睡个懒觉 , 疲倦甩掉 , 愿悠闲与你共奔跑 。
Sleep in, get rid of tiredness, and run with you.
送上发财鱼一条,祝你年年发财,年年有余,招财进宝庆新年 。
Id like to send you a fortune fish. I wish you a fortune every year. I hope you can get rich every year.
愿我的思念化作真挚的祝福 , 祝愿你新年快乐!

May my thoughts turn into sincere wishes and wish you a happy New Year!
愿你新年心情好,万事顺利 , 家庭美满!
Wish you a good mood in the new year, everything goes well and your family is happy!
祝你财源滚滚来,一路旺到底 。
I wish you all the way to the end.
愿你们在新年中开开心心,快快乐乐,平平安安 。
I wish you a happy, happy and peaceful new year.
亲爱的朋友 , 祝你新年笑开花 , 日子美如花 , 幸福绽开花!

My dear friend, I wish you a happy new year!
烦事旧尘一扫光,携上快乐向前进 。
The old dust of vexation is swept away, and the happiness is carried forward.
I wish the companys performance to create a new one, and the source of wealth will be expanded!
生活美满,事事顺心,快乐逍遥新一年 。
Happy life, everything goes well, happy new year.
I wish you a happy New Year!
Send you a fortune wish you: Fortune rolling! The purse is bulging! Rich!
愿君更添一杯酒,牛年事业更兴旺 。
I wish you a cup of wine to make the year of the ox more prosperous.
祝好运健康佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年 。
Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy new year.
加油!为驾照奋斗路上的学员们 , 新的一年 , 踏上征途 。
come on. For the drivers license struggle on the road, the new year, embarked on the journey.
愿鞭炮燃放我的心愿,让你欢乐喜事连连连 。
May firecrackers set off my wish and make you happy and happy.