comfortably fresh是什么意思 fresh新鲜的

comfortably fresh是什么意思 fresh新鲜的


comfortably fresh是什么意思 fresh新鲜的


熟词生义是高中英语历次大小考中的重点、难点 。今天,大师把高中英语全部熟词生义单词分享给大家,独家哦!
1.about 熟义:关于
We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.prep.&adv.到处=(美)around
2. absent 熟义:adj. 缺席的
He looked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的,恍惚的
3. abuse 熟义:v 滥用,谩骂
She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she&39;s much abused at home. v. 虐待
4.accept vt.&vi.①同意(接受别人的观点,看法)(熟义:接受)
Tom accepted her explanation.汤姆同意她的解释 。
I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea.飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法,我只好认命了 。
5. accommodate 熟义:住宿,留宿
This hotel can accommodate more than 5oo guests. vt 容纳
He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 准予,提供
6. ache 熟义:v/n 疼痛
He was aching for home. v. 渴望
7.act vi.熟义:行动
It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用) 只需几分钟,药物就起作用了 。
8. acknowledge 熟义:vt. 承认,道谢
He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 对...打招呼
9. across 熟义:prep. 越过
The two roads cut across each other. prep. 与...交叉,与...成十字
10. advance 熟义:v/n 前进,推进
she asked me for an advance on her salary. n. 预付(款)
Share prices showed significant advances today. n. 增加
11.add 熟义:加
“They don&39;t know.”he added.vt.接着说,又说;补充说
12.address vt.①称呼(熟义:地址,写地址)
The president should be addressed as“Mr President.”总统应称为“总统先生” 。
She turned to address the man on her left.她转身过去,向她左边的那人讲话 。
He is going to address the meeting in a minute.他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了 。
It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. vt. 向...发表演说
13.admit vt.(熟义:承认)
The servant opened the door and admitted me(into the house).允许进入
The theatre only admits 1,000 persons.容纳
14. against (熟义:反对,违背)
The picture looks good against the white wall.prep.衬着,迎着,靠着
15. age 熟义:n, 年龄
Worry aged him rapidly. v. 使变老
16. agree with (熟义:同意)
Your story agrees with what I heard.与……一致
Long plane trips don&39;t agree with me.协调,适合
17.air (熟义:n.空气)
Don&39;t air your troubles too often. v. 抒发;倾诉;传播)不要经常发牢骚 。
There was a comfortable air about her room. n. 样子,神态,气氛
18. alive 熟义:adj. 活着的
The street are alive with people. adj. 充满(活的或动的东西)
19. alone 熟义:adv. 单独地,一个人地
She alone was able to answer the question. adv. 仅仅,只有
20. amount 熟义:n. 量
The cost amounted to $ 2000. v. 达到,共计
What you have said amounts to a refusal. 相当于
21. announce 熟义:宣布
Warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. vt. 显示,预告
22. appreciate 熟义:v. 欣赏,感激,感谢
I appreciate that I may be wrong. v. 意识到=realize
We appreciate the danger ahead. v. 意识到
23. arrival 熟义:n. 到达
All stood up to welcome the new arrival. n. 到达的人或事物
24. at all(熟义:常与not连用,构成not at all:不用谢,一点也不 。)
If it is at all foggy,I shall not go out.真的,确实
This is the first time that I have ever been abroad at all.真的,确实
25. arm (熟义:n.手臂)
Lay down your arms or we&39;ll fire!n.武器v.武装
26. attend (熟义:出席)
Dr.Parialal Lal attends him.vt.&vi.看护,治疗
If you go out,who&39;ll attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿?
The nurse attended to him day and night. v. 看护;治疗
27. arrange 熟义:v. 安排;整理
I&39;ve arranged with the neighbours about filling the manager&39;s job. v. 商量
28. arrest 熟义:vt. 逮捕
The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease. vt. 停止,阻止
29. assume 熟义:vt. 假定,以为
He will assume the directorship of the project. vt. 担任