account reciveable account

高考英语高频单词之一是account 。这个词作为名词和动词的用法和词义比较多 , 同时和它搭配构成的词组也比较多 , 因而给考生带来了相当大的麻烦 , 应该引起考生的高度重视 。Account作为名词表示的账户的用法很常见 , 如银行账户和网络用户等 , 同时 , 还可以表示叙述和解释等的意义 , 需要考生多加注意 。此外 , 最麻烦的应该是作为动词和for构成的动词词组出现的频率非常高 , 而且其意义和用法比较多 , 更需要考生进行更多的阅读训练 。下面即从account这个词的词性、释义、用法和翻译等方面做一些解释和说明 , 供考生参考 。

1. 名词
1.1.(银行)账户(an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.)
例如:budget account(预算账户), checking account(活期存款账户), current account(活期存款账户/往来账户), deposit account(定期存款账户)
1.2.(商业)账目(a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it )
例如:expense account(报销账目/费用账户), profit and loss account(损益账)
1.3.(商店)赊销账;赊欠账;赊购(an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month)
如:Put it on my account please. (请记在我的赊购账上 。)
1.4.(互联网、电子邮件等的)账户;账号(an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by email, etc.)
如:Internet/email account(互联网/电子邮件账户)
1.5.描述;叙述;报告(a written or spoken description of sth that has happened)
如;a full account of the incident. (关于事件的详尽的叙述)
1.6.价值;重要性(worth, importance , value)
如:a person of considerable account(极其重要的人)
2. 与account搭配的名词词组与例句
2.1. by/from all accounts (据说;根据报道) 例句:I&39;ve never been there, but it&39;s a lovely place, by all accounts. (我从未去过那里 , 但据说是个美丽的地方 。)
2.2. of no/little account (不重要;无足轻重)
例句:She had made me feel so utterly wrong and of no account that I needed to bolster myself. (她迫使我感到我这么做完全错了 , 毫无用处 , 使得我别无选择只好硬逞能 。
2.3. on sb&39;s account (为了某人的缘故)
例句:Please don’t change your plans on my account. (请别因为我而改变你的计划 。)
2.4. on account of sb/sth (由于;因为 )
例句:She retired early on account of ill health. (她体弱多病 , 所以提前退休 。)
2.5. on no account/not on any account (决不;绝对不)例句:On no account should the house be left unlocked. (离开住宅时千万要锁门 。)
2.6. on this/that account (由于这个/那个缘故)
例句:Weather conditions were poor, but he did not delay his departure on that account. (天气不好 , 但他并没有因此延期起程 。)
2.7. take account of sth/take sth into account (考虑到;顾及)
例句:The company takes account of environmental issues wherever possible.
只要有可能 , 这家公司总是尽量考虑到环境问题 。

二、account动词词性和动词词组account for的意义和例句
1. 动词
认为是 , 视为(to have the opinion that sb/sth is a particular thing)
例句:The opening day of the battle was, nevertheless, accounted a success. (尽管如此 , 开战那天还是被认为取得了成功 。)
2. 动词词组account for sth (解释 , 说明;是…的说明或原因;(数量上、比例上)占;(尤指在事故之后)了解 , 查明)
2.1. How do you account for the show&39;s success? (你怎么解释这次演出为什么成功?)
2.2. Many explanations have been offered to account for all the mysterious happenings during the many thousands of years. (几千年来 , 对于所有神秘事件的原因都有很多种解释 。)
2.3. Remote-sensing and telecommunications satellites account for about 71% of the total number of satellites developed and launched by China. (中国研制和发射的卫星中 , 遥感卫星和通信卫星约占71% 。)
2.4. But it’s just a slight preference, and the effect is far too small to account for the observed imbalance between matter and antimatter. (但是这仅仅是一种轻微的倾向 , 以至于在现实世界难以观测到物质和反物质的不平衡现象 。)