水果英语习语-苹果 世界之最英语怎么说

a bad apple 坏蛋;坏人I can't stand working with her, she's such a bad apple.我受不了跟她一起工作,她是一个坏家伙 。
can't stand doing sth = can't bear doing sth 无法忍受做某事such a/anadj.N. 如此一个...的...work as 做...工作work for 为...工作work with 和...一起工作a rotten apple 带来恶劣影响的人I stopped hanging out with him after I learned what a rotten apple he is.自我知道他是一个坏人之后,我就不再跟他一起出去了 。
stop doing sth 停止做某事; stop to do sth 停下来转而做某事hang out with sb 跟某人一起出去玩what a/anadj.N (指示代词be 动词)! --> 感叹句a second bite of the apple 第二次机会After his failed examination, he was given a second bite of the apple to do the test. 他考试不及格之后,被给予第二次机会补考 。
give sb a second bite of the apple to do sth 给某人第二次机会去做某事do the test 做测试a worm in the apple 潜在的问题Our new product starts production next week. If there's a worm in the apple, we need to find it now. 我们的新产品下周就开始生产了 。如果有什么问题,我们现在就需要发现 。
find a worm in the apple 发现潜在问题an apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一苹果医生远离我I've heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but regular exercise also doesn't hurt. 虽然我知道一天一苹果医生远离我,但是经常锻炼也没有坏处啊 。
keep sb/sth away 使...远离regular exercise 经常锻炼an apple polisher 马屁虫【水果英语习语-苹果 世界之最英语怎么说】We all know that he is an apple polisher always trying to get ahead by kissing up to the boss.我们都知道他是个马屁精,总是想通过讨好老板来获得事业上的成功 。
try to do sth 尝试做某事get ahead 在事业上取得成功kiss up to sb 拍某人的马屁the Big Apple 纽约New York City is known as the Big Apple, it's one of the most famous cities in the world. 纽约市被称为“大苹果”,是世界上最著名的城市之一 。
be known as sth = be famous as sth 被称为...; 以...而闻名be known for sth = be famous for sth 因...而闻名one of theadj.(最高级)N.(复数) 最...之一the apple of sb's eye 掌上明珠My daughter is the apple of my eye, I love her more than anything. 我女儿是我的掌上明珠,我爱她超过任何东西 。
more than = over 超过like (comparing) apples and oranges = be apples and oranges 风马牛不相及;迥然不同On the surface, the two ideas seem similar but if you look at each one in detail you will see that they're apples and oranges. 从表面上看,这两个想法很相似,但如果你仔细观察它们的细节,你会发现它们完全不同 。
on the surface 表面上look at 看...in detail 详细地as American as apple pie 地道美国式的Watching fireworks on the 4th of July is as American as apple pie.在七月四日看烟花是典型的美国作风 。
watch firework 看烟花on具体日期in季节/月份/年份How do you like them apples? = How about them apples? 你怎么看?(得瑟显摆)I was picked to join the basketball team and you aren't. How do you like them apples? 我被挑选加入篮球队,你却没有 。你怎么看?
one rotten apple spoils the bunch 害群之马Jimmy is the rotten apple that spoils the barrel in my class, I wish I didn’t have to be his teacher all year. jimmy 是班里的害群之马,我真希望不用当他一整年的老师 。
one rotten apple spoils the bunch = the black sheep of ... 害群之马the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree = the apple never falls far from the tree 有其父必有其子Just like his father, he's always been interested in singing songs. It seems the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.就像他的父亲一样,他也对唱歌很感兴趣 。有其父必有其子 。