


Yichang City, Hubei is located in the West (South) Division, located in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River at the junction of western Hubei mountainous area to the transition Jianghan, "on the control of Sichuan, under the lead Jingxiang." Jingzhou City and Jingmen east, south Hunan Shimen, west Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, north of Shennongjia and Xiangfan City.
Yichang City complex and diverse geographical, geological structure is more complex, dating back 1.8 billion years ago, the Proterozoic to the Cenozoic dating back millions of years ago, the era between the various geological strata are distributed, and the development of complete, fully exposed .
Yichang unique tourism resources, natural scenery, cultural landscape, historical sites and modern architecture each other, is the country's 11 major tourist cities. Xiling Yangtze River within the territory of the country one of the top ten tourist attractions - "Three Gallery," an important part of the Gezhouba Water Project for the National is one of 40 famous tourist attractions, as well as the hometown of Qu Yuan, Wang Zhaojun House, Nagasaka Singapore, Guan Ling temple, and many other historical and cultural sites. In addition, the construction of Three Gorges Project has attracted a growing number of foreign tourists.
宜昌市位于湖北西(南)部,地处长江上游与中游的交界处,鄂西山区向江汉平原的过渡地带,“上控巴蜀,下引荆襄” 。东邻荆州市和荆门市,南抵湖南省石门县,西接恩施土家族苗族自治州,北靠神农架林区和襄樊市 。
宜昌市地理环境复杂多样,地质构造较为复杂,距今18亿年前的元古界到距今百万年前的新生界之间的各个地质时代的地层均有分布,且发育完整,出露齐全 。
宜昌旅游资源独具特色,自然风光、人文景观、名胜古迹与现代建筑交相辉映,是全国11个重要旅游城市之一 。境内的长江西陵峡是全国十大风景旅游名胜之一--"三峡画廊"的重要组成部分,葛洲坝水利枢纽工程为全国40个著名旅游景点之一,还有屈原故里、昭君宅第、长坂坡、关陵庙等众多的历史文化遗址 。此外,三峡工程的兴建,吸引了越来越多的中外游客 。

襄樊位于湖北北部,靠近中原地区,饮食风格受中原地区的影响,属于鄂北风味 。湖北地区历来偏爱辛辣,民间有“湖北人不辣怕”的俗语,而巴蜀荆楚地区的人们生性嗜辣,几乎所有的菜都要用辣椒,与麻辣的川菜、酸辣的湘菜不同,鄂菜讲究的是鲜辣 。襄樊菜既有着鄂菜鲜辣的特点,又保持着自己的风味,烹制手法以蒸、煨、炸为主,尤喜菜上淋油 。襄樊名菜有夹沙肉、襄樊缠蹄、红烧蹄膀、糖醋白菜、泡菜牛肚丝宜城盘鳝等 。

阜阳十大美食复有:粉鸡、制太和羊肉板面、格拉条、卷馍、死面饼子、辣糊子、蛋白肉、插花牛肉汤、曹集蚬子、- 卷好的水烙馍 。
粉鸡:阜阳经典传统小吃,特色是淡黄油亮, 外表软绵,里边粉色红嫩 。品一口微辣略麻的粉鸡,让人回味无穷,而且“粉鸡汤”堪称物美价廉、百姓皆知的美食 。
太和羊肉板面:安徽北部地区面食的典范 。相传太和板面源于三国时期 。张飞驻守颍州(今阜阳),张飞吃面总嫌太软、不筋斗、清淡无味 。厨师多次琢磨,添加近十多种药材和羊肉一起做面,张飞吃后顿感可口 。之后安徽板面便在颖(阜阳)、宛(南阳)、襄(襄樊)广为流行 。