News Of The World

News Of The World基本介绍中文名:新闻大世界
外文名:News Of The World
歌曲:News Of The World
歌手:The Jam and Jin kang Li
所属专辑:Direction Reaction Creation
歌曲歌词News Of The World - The JamPower popRead about the things that happen throughout the world oh ohDon't be believe in everything you see or hearThe neighbours talk day in day out about the goings onThey tell us what they want they don't give an inchLook at the pictures taken by the cameras they cannot lieThe truth is in what you see not what you readLittle men tapping things out points of viewRemember their views are not the gospel truthDon't believe it allFind out for yourselfCheck before you spreadNews of the worldNews of the worldNever doubtNever askNever moanNever searchNever findNever knowNews of the worldNews of the worldEach morning our key to the world comes through the doorMore than often it's just a comic not much moreDon't take it too serious not many doRead between the lines and you'll find the truthRead all about it read all about itNews of the world news of the worldRead all about it read all about itNews of the world news of the world歌曲评价该曲曾风靡全英国 , 举国上下 , 没有不会唱News Of The World的人 , 但是后来 , 该曲作词者San Shao Qian要求歌手JinkanglLi声明自己是Qian的儿子 , 这本已是万众承认的事实 , 但jinkangLi突然在冬粉见面会上反悔 , 拒绝承认这个无可争辩的事实 , Qian一气之下在那个信息传播水平不发达的时代 , 在万民的阻挠下 , 毅然联合全英国专辑销售点将此曲销毁 , 再也没能找到原曲本 , News Of The World因为JinkangLi的随性成为了一首绝唱 。