O Kazakhstan

O Kazakhstan

O Kazakhstan【O Kazakhstan】O Kazakhstan是电影《波拉特》插曲,中文名《喔 哈萨克斯坦》 。
基本介绍中文名称:喔 哈萨克斯坦
外文名称:O Kazakhstan
创作背景哈萨克女子射击选手狄米崔科(Maria Dmitrienko)日前在科威特举行的阿拉伯射击锦标赛勇夺金牌,但主办单位摆乌龙,在颁奖时播错哈萨克国歌,内含侮辱字眼,引发哈萨克强烈抗议 。原来主办单位自行从网路搜寻各国国歌,却下载了喜剧电影《Borat》中恶搞版的哈萨克国歌 。这部2006年的卖座片曾因丑化哈萨克形象,引发不满,事隔多年恶搞版国歌又冒出来,把哈萨克人气炸了 。主办单位当天就向哈萨克代表队致歉,宣称全系「无心之过」,但无法平息怒火 。哈萨克外交部昨要求科威特彻底调查究责 。歌词Kazakhstan greatest country in the world.All other countries are run by little girls.Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium.Other countries have inferior potassium.哈萨克的伟大举世无双,不像其他国家小肚鸡肠 。哈萨克满地都是锌铜钾,而他的邻国只有烂棉花 。Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool.It's length thirty meter and width six meter.Filtration system a marvel to behold.It remove 80 percent of human solid waste.哈萨克的泳池不一般,三十米长来,六米宽 。随便你拉呀随便你撒,大便小便全净化 。Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place.From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown.Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan.They very nosey people with bone in their brain.哈萨克的草原真迷人,篱笆里关的是犹太人 。哈萨克的朋友遍四方,不像乌兹别克人粗暴又鲁莽 。Kazakhstan industry best in the world.We incented toffee and trouser belt.Kazakhstan's prostitutes cleanest in the region.Except of course Turkmenistan's哈萨克的工业最富强,发明了裤带焖饼太妃糖 。哈萨克的女支女最能干,当然还比不上土库曼 。Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place.From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown.Come grasp the might phenis of our leader.From junction with the testes to tip of its face!哈萨克的草原真迷人,篱笆里关的是犹太人 。我们的领导人强又壮,金蛋银蛋力擎天!