米格尔·尼科莱利斯:仅通过思考就能实现的人机交互( 二 )

米格尔: 是的 , 我们总是需要一些传感器来捕捉大脑的活动 。没有这些传感器 , 就无法传输大脑的电信号 。传感器要能够尽可能多地从大脑中获取信息 , 完善与数字平台交互的能力 。对于动物来说 , 接口会植入大脑 。但是对于人类来说 , 我们会研究一种类似帽子的东西 。因为不会植入任何东西 , 所以对人类来说不会有危险 。
米格尔: 不 , 这并不针对基因缺失引起的疾病 。你必须意识到世界上有近10亿的人患有脑功能紊乱的疾病 。如果我们把所有患有大脑功能紊乱的人放在一起 , 这几乎就是一个中国的人口 。
大多数患有脑功能障碍的病人与基因方面并没有关系 。它们大部分来自脊髓损伤、帕金森和阿尔茨海默病症 。我们需要对这将近10亿的病人进行治疗 , 我认为这项技术会有所帮助 。
米格尔: 当我还是个孩子的时候 , 祖母告诉我 , “不可能的事就是还没有人花费足够的时间去做的可能的事” 。我十分相信这一点 。我的祖母是一个很有智慧的女人 。我认为成为一名科学家与她对我的影响有着很大的关系 。她教会了我如何思考大事情 。
随着研究发展 , 你的新发现是什么?
米格尔: 事实上 , 我正在写一本新书 , 因为有很多新的想法出现 。我在书中提到了一点 , 而且我认为现在很有必要讲的一点是 , 有越来越多的证据表明我们的大脑远比计算机优越 。人工智能不会征服人类的大脑 。这就是我决定写一本新书的原因 。
Whatare thereyouto brain- ?
First, I want tohow the brain works. That's the main . As, Ithat we could use that to treatfrom. It gives extratothis .
You've done lots of. Which one do you think is most ?
Thewithcould walk again and thewho has lost legs could kick again on theof world cup. I lived with theseevery day for 8 . Thethey were up and walk is a bigandfor each one of them. That's the mostthing I have done, I think.


Whenthe ball on the , I was threehim. After that , I run to him for . At that time, Icriedit's like a .
What's thegoal for brain- ?
On thefront, the goal is totowho have lost them. There will be otherininwhere it's too small, too far or too . If we canwith our brain, we could gain moreand .
The other thing is thatcouldatbrain net.
What's yourfor next? What's the mainfortobrainofApps?
Ithink that thewill see the linksandtonew. It's a totalin the way we talk about ,our brain is going to beto these . We don't need to type , if we canwithjust by .
Theis to be able toand thatare able towith the brain. So we get a verythat can be used fortasks, likewith , cars and . Once wethis link, we'll seeon .
Do we still need some kind ofto wear so as totoApps?
Yes, weneed sometobrain .that, we 'tthefrom our . Weneed totheto the point that we could get as much asfrom the brain towith.
For , we . For human , what we'reislike a cap. You don't need to. That's thewhy it's not .
Would thebeforfrom?
No, that's not for. You have tothat there'reonein the world with brain . If we put all the brain-, it'sone China of .
Most of thewith brainhaveto do with. They come fromofcord,and 's . So we needfor theseone. I think thewill help.
What's yourof ""?
Mytold me when I was a kid that “theis just thethatput timeto make”. Iin that. She was a verywoman. I think toahaswith heron me. Sheme how to think big .