内衣是一种与潮流与时尚结合很紧的物件,因此许多内衣专卖店都层出不穷,随着生活质量以及水平的越来越高,许多女性对内衣的追求也在不断提高 。而想要在这么多内衣店中脱颖而出,首先就要有自己内衣店的装修风格,无论是店面橱窗,还是店里的试衣间陈列柜,小至灯具灯光,都是吸引消费者的一种存在 。
is a kind of thing that iswith the trend and . , manyareone after . With theof theof life and the level, many women'sofis also. And if you want to stand out in so many, you must first have thestyle of your ownstore.it is the store , theroom of the store, or theof the lamps, it is a kind ofthat.
We can see one of thecases:
项目名称:MR L Miss C 内衣店设计
name: of the MR L Miss Lshop
与其他店面设计不同的是,我们采用敞开的方式来代替玻璃橱窗,中间一面白色墙壁隔开,利用立裁人台来展示店内的新品或者热销产品 。除此之外,我们还可以清晰地看见店内构造,消费者的角度也是一样的,一眼可以看见里边的衣物 。
from other, we use an open way tothe glass ,by a white wall in the , and use thetonew or hotin the store. In , we cansee thethe store, the 's angle is the same, you can see the.
这是我们未进行改造前的店铺形象,可以看出现场也是没有什么亮点,装修风格较普通 。
This is the image of the storewe . It can be seen that there is nospot on the scene, and thestyle is more .
【内衣基础知识解析内衣定位的依据是什么】③防火卷闸门Gate ④收银台
⑤形象墙 Image Wall
根据现场的空间结构,我们制定了平面布置图,贴近墙壁两边的是四季柜和内衣柜 。
to the spaceof the site, we have made a floor plan, close to the wall is the fourand the.
这是店里收银台的设计,我们采用紫色作为背景墙,一角落用于展示成套的衣物,可以放置新品或者热销产品,旁边是设置成折叠一样的墙壁,使得总体没有那么单调 。收银台是粉紫色的,跳色的效果是不会让人产生审美疲劳,淡粉色与淡紫色也是一个很好的搭配 。
This is theof thein the store. We useas thewall. Oneis used tothe set of . It can be used to place newor hot- . Next to the wall is set to fold,theless . Theis, and theof color is not to cause. Light pink andare also a good match.
对店里我们也是采用了北欧的简约风格 。这是内衣柜的设计,白色背景墙,内衣整齐地正挂在柜子里,底下我们用的是白色的抽屉式柜子 。内衣柜上方的装饰除了品牌的发光板,也多了一些绿植,在正对面的置物架是是桌子形式,上方摆放着的是鞋类和其他衣帽 。我们可以看到灯具是较高级的白色吊灯,与优雅很相称 。
For the store we alsothestyle. This is theof the, thewall is white, theisin the , and we use the white. Into the brand's, theof theis alsowith some green . Theon theside are in the form of , and the tops are shoes and other coats. We can see that the Lamp is a -grade white , which is verywith .
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