
suddenly 基本解释
副词意外地,忽然地; 奄; 勃; 霍然
suddenly 同义词
suddenly 反义词
suddenly 相关例句
1. I suddenly remembered that I hadn't locked the door.
我突然记起我没有锁门 。
suddenly 网络解释
1. 突然地:我忘不了(forget),我也考虑(consider)了,我也认可(recognize)了,但我从来没有后悔(regret)过我所做的一切. 在这天余下的时间里,他不是突然地(suddenly),静静地(quietly),轻微地(slightly),而是紧紧地(tightly)握着妈妈的手.
2. suddenly什么意思
2. 瞬然:12. Dancin 共舞 | 13. Suddenly 瞬然 | 14. Not Gonna Give In To It 永不言弃
3. 剎那间:Oh, I believe in yesterday噢,我相信昨日 | Suddenly剎那间 | Im not half man I used be我已不是往日的我
suddenly 双语例句
1. Suddenly, it became clear to me: This was not my best-laid plan.
2. Hair that was normally straight might suddenly begin to grow in curlier than ever during pregnancy.
头发通常会突然开始连续增长curlier怀孕期间比以往任何时候 。
3. suddenly
3. I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was serving behind the bar asked me a curious question.
周五晚上我正在酒吧里,突然在吧台后面服务的一名妇女问了我一个奇怪的问题 。
4. Don't be tension, please take it easy2.If without ther help, we will dead.3.The only important way what you lawing.4.Must be carefully when you use these radioactivity things.5.This matter will be make the price of per tank suddenly rise to $50, then last on several months.
如果中国能提高比黄金还珍贵的信用度和连接度,如果中国能像大海胸心宽广,包容万象,如果中国能广交朋友,而不是很自我,如果中国能有比山还高的道德水平,我深信中国能得到很多道义上的支持,文化水平也将得到很大的进步 。
5. Semelparous organisms and others that die suddenly following reproduction e. g. salmon, octopus, marsupial mouse (Brown Antechinus, etc. also represent instances of organisms whose design incorporates a life span limiting feature.
有些生物体的设计整合了寿命限制特征,终生一胎生物和其他生殖后突然死亡的生物就是这种情况的例子 。
6. Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth.
那天晚上当我踏进家门时,妻正把晚餐端上桌 。
7. Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?
8. They seem to transform from boys to m overnight, suddenly become tall and strong, handsome and graceful.
他们 仿佛一夜之间由男孩变成了男子汉,突然变得高大强健,英俊洒脱
9. They seem to transform from boys to men overnight, suddenly become tall and strong, handsome and graceful.
10. Hold to half an year, when be about to abandon, discover the website is restored by Baidu suddenly today, shanghai entrance guard, the 2nd page arrives on the key word such as entrance guard system, the first page is Baidu contest price. Site discovery is collected increase, still thinking is he was misreaded. Be mad with joy!
坚持半年,快要放弃的时候,今天突然发现网站被百度恢复,上海门禁,门禁系统等关键字上到第二页,第一页是百度竞价 。site发现收录增加,还以为是自己看错了 。