feeling可数还是不可数? feeling可数吗 feeling可加s吗

feeling可数还是不可数? feeling可数吗 feeling可加s吗


今天带大家精读的几段外刊选自经济学人20200321一期中China板块的Worries about imported infections一文,讲的是最近的热点新闻:境外输入病例 。文章难度中等,强烈推荐阅读 。
In early March Alina Wang, a Chinese citizen studying in Sydney, decided it would be best to go back to her native country. She felt that China was doing a good job curtailing the spread of covid-19. In Australia she had worries, including that few people wore masks when out and about. Now Ms Wang is in a hotel near her family’s home in a north-eastern Chinese province. She is serving out the last few days of a two-week quarantine that local officials said new arrivals must undergo. Fortunately her room has good Wi-Fi. She is keeping busy with coursework.

①In early March Alina Wang, a Chinese citizen studying in Sydney, decided it would be best to go back to her native country. ②She felt that China was doing a good job curtailing the spread of covid-19. ③In Australia she had worries, including that few people wore masks when out and about. ④Now Ms Wang is in a hotel near her family’s home in a north-eastern Chinese province. ⑤She is serving out(=completing) the last few days of a two-week quarantine that local officials said new arrivals must undergo. ⑥Fortunately her room has good Wi-Fi. ⑦She is keeping busy with coursework.

【feeling可数还是不可数? feeling可数吗 feeling可加s吗】段落分析:这一段站在回国人员的角度,以一位留学生为例,描述了疫情期间回国的情况 。②③两句是回国的两个主要原因:1.国内控制的很好 2.国外不重视 。后面几句讲的是回国之后的隔离情况 。

curtail表示减少,限制 。在写作当中可以用来替代较为常用的reduce/limit 。比如减少孩子们玩手机的时间:curtail children’s screen time 。还有一个常见词也可以表示减少/限制:cut 。同样可以用来替代reduce,比如减少碳排放:cut carbon emissions(=reduce carbon emissions) 。
covid-19就是此次新冠肺炎病毒的专业名称 。全称为Coronavirus Disease 2019 。Coronavirus就是新冠(corona-)病毒 。
worry在这里表示担心的具体事情,是个可数名词 。再比如One major worry for women is walking home at night. 如果是表示担忧这种feeling,则是一个抽象的不可数名词 。下一段当中的infection也是这样,作为可数名词时,表示具体感染的人或病例;作为不可数名词时,则表示感染这一抽象的行为 。
out and about自由活动/到处跑(going to different places) 。表示冒着风险出门,可以用venture out 。原文也可以改为few people wore masks/the mask when venturing out 。更加形象贴切 。
two-week quarantine就是我们这些天我们所说的隔离两周 。需要注意的是,由two weeks(名词成分)变成的two-week(形容词修饰词合成词)必须是单数形式,不能写成two-weeks 。表示两周还有一个常见词:fortnight,在一些考试当中会经常遇到这个同义替换 。表示(疾病)隔离还可以用isolate/isolation,不过在外刊中的使用频率没有quarantine高 。自我隔离就是self-isolate/self-quarantine 。
new arrival在这里表示新入境的人 。其中arrival表示到达的人/车等,放在具体的语境中表示具体的人或物 。arrival与前面讲的arrival和infection类似,是个具体的可数名词;如果是不可数名词,则表示到达这一行为 。new arrivals在文中就相当于newly-arrived people/nationals(国民) 。
keep busy with比较偏口语化 。在写作当中表示忙于...还可以用be occupied with/be engaged in 。如Many seniors(大四学生) have been fully occupied with the graduation thesis recently.

③In Australia she had worries, including that few people wore masks when out and about.
A including后面引导的是一句话,因此前面需要加上一个that 。同时,由于including后面的成分是对前面worries的举例,即其中一个具体的worry 。因此可以将这个that名词从句理解为worry的同位语,对其进行解释说明,即including one worry that...
B 在when out and about这个状语从句中,省略了主语+be动词 。即Few people wore masks when they were out and about.
其实这句话也可以改为使用worry的动词形式,使用among other things短语作为插入语,放在例子之前:
In Australia she worried, among other things, that few people wore masks when out and about.

3月初,在悉尼留学的中国公民王丽娜认为,最好还是回到自己的祖国 。她觉得中国在遏制covid-19的扩散方面做得很好 。待在澳大利亚,她有各种担忧,包括很少有人外出时戴口罩 。现在,王女士中国东北部的一个省份附近的一家酒店里进行隔离,也就在她家附近 。她正在完成为期两周隔离的最后几天,当地官员说,新来的人必须接受隔离 。还好,她的房间无线网很好 。她一直忙于功课 。