crew是什么意思 crew是什么意思 crew什么意思中文

1. Nobody but Jane___________ the secret.
A. know B. knows
C. have known D. is known
答:B 。
2. All but one ______ here just now.
A. is B. was C. has been D. were
答:D 。不定代词all , some , 等做主语时 , 谓语根据情况而定 , 若指可复数意义 , 谓语用复数;若指不可数意义或抽象意义时谓语用单数 。此题中all指人 , “大家 , 所有的人”;若指抽象事物 , 谓语应用单数 。如:All is clear 。一切都清楚了 。
经典点拨:切记哪个词是主语 。
3. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ______ tired of having one examination after an other.
A. is B. are C. am D. be
答:B 。
4. A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gift.
A. is offered B. has offered
C. are offered D. have offered
答:A 。见第一题解析 。
5. When and where to build the new factory______ yet.
A. is not decided B. are not decided
C. has not decided D. have not decided
答:A 。从句、不定式、动名词做主语时 , 谓语动词常用单数形式 , 如where we’ll hold the meeting has not been decided yet 。虽然是两个疑问词并列 , 但指开会这一件事 , 故用单数谓浯 。若指两件事时 , 谓语应用复数 。如What he did and what he said were different. 。他所做的和他所说的是不一致的 。从句做主语时 , 谓语一般用单数形式 , 但当what从句做主语时应根据其意思来决定 。
What we need are some engineers. 我们需要的是一些工程师 。
What we need is an English interpreter. 我们需要一位英语翻译 。
6. The number of people invited _______ fifty, but a number of them _________ absent for different reasons.
A. were, was B. was, was
C. was, were D. were, were
答:C 。the number of 接名词做主语时 , 谓语用单数 。a number of 接名词做主语时 , 谓语用复数形式 。
7. Either you or the headmaster_________ the prize to these gifted students at the meet-ing.
A. is handing out B. are to hand out
C. are handing out D. is to hand out
答:D 。见第3题解析 。
8. Apples of this kind______.
A. tastes good B. tastes well
C. taste good D. taste well
答:C 。apples 为主语 ,  this kind 为定语 , 故用复数谓语 。若是This kind of apples..., this kind为主语 , 则谓语应用单数形式 。
9. The Olympic Games _______ held every four years.
A. is B. are C. was D. has been
答:B 。Olympic为定语 , Games为主语 , 故用复数谓语 , 同样当the Olymples做主浯时谓语也用复数形式 , 因为The Olympics=The Olympic Games.
10. Many a man ________ come to help us.
A. have B. has C. were D. are
答:B 。more than one... 接单数名词 , 用单数谓语 。
如:More than one answer is right. 不只一个答案是对的 。
11. He is the only one of the students who _______ elected.
A. are B. have C. has D. is
答:D 。定语从句的谓语一般与先行词一致 。如:He is one of the students who have passed the exam 。他是通过考试的学生之一 。但若one前有the(only)修饰时 。从句的谓语用单数形式 。
如:He is the one of the students who has passed the exam 。他就是那个通过考试的学生 。
12. “All ______ present and all _______ going on well,” our monitor said.
A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is
13. The Chinese _____ hard working and brave.
A. are B. is C. has been D. is being
答:A 。the Chinese (English. French. Japanese, police)指中国人(英国人、法国人、日本人、警察)的总称 , 所以用复数谓语 。如:The English (British) like to talk about weather. 英国人喜欢谈天气 。
14. The rich ________ not always happy.
A. has B. is C. are D. have
答:A 。the Chinese (English , French.Japanese , police , )指中国人(英国人、法国人、日本人、警察)的总称.所以用复数谓浯 。如:The English (British) like to talk about weather.英国人喜欢谈天气 。
15. Every boy and every girl ______ in our class.
A. are working B. are worked
C. is working D. is worked
答:C 。
16. The family ________ all music lovers.
A. is B. are C. was D. be
答:B.集合名词的主谓一致:class.class, team, group, family, crew (船员) , court(法院 , 法官) , audience(观众 , 听众) , government(政府 , 政府官员) , committee(委员会 , 委员会成员) , population(人口)等词做主语时.若看作整体时 , 谓语用单数;若看作个体时 , 谓语用复数形式.如: