骑砍25月23日更新了什么?游戏目前处于测试阶段,不定期有许多的小更新与修复,今天小编给大家带来骑马与砍杀25月23日更新内容一览,需要的小伙伴快来看一下吧 。
骑马与砍杀25月23日更新内容一览就在今天早上,游戏更新了一个大小约为660kb的补丁,内容如下 。
修复了一个从骆驼掉落下来时碰撞产生的崩溃 。
修复了一个罕见的特殊人物格挡而动画未同步导致的崩溃 。
修复了一个罕见的自动战斗后展示战斗结果的崩溃 。
修复了一个麻烦兵团任务给予者所属势力与玩家所属势力开战的崩溃 。
修复了一个攻城成功后与集团军成员对话时的崩溃 。
Fixed a crash that occurred after colliding with an entity while falling with a camel.
【骑马与砍杀25月23日更新内容一览 骑马与砍杀21.63更新内容】
Fixed a rare crash that happened when an agent was blocking and the weapon state for that agent was not fully synced.
Fixed a rare crash that occurred when showing the battle results of simulated battles.
Fixed a crash that occurred when war was declared between a quest giver's and the player's kingdoms while the Company of Trouble quest is active.
Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to army members after a successful siege.
As well as the following:
Fixed a crash that occurred while passing time on the campaign map.
Fixed a rare crash that happened when a specific caravan spawned for notables.
Fixed a bug that caused NPC parties to raid Tevea village very frequently.
Fixed a crash that occurred when Gang Leader Needs Weapons and Rival Gang Moving In quests were active at the same time.
Fixed a rare crash that occurred when ticking daily game events.
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