摄影:Photography;takeaphotograph;shoot;shootafilm;film摄像:Videoshooting;camerashooting;;pickup一、摄影例句他酷爱摄影 。He goes in for photography. 摄影师们正在摄影 。Cameramen are shooting their pictures. 二、摄像例句电视台摄像师被请进来拍摄他工作的镜头 。Television cameras were invited in to film him at work. 摄影师和摄像师们蜂拥上前 。The photographers and cameramen surged forward. 扩展资料相近词语拍照:takeapicture;photograph录视频:videofrequency; visionfrequency; visualfrequency; video1.我已请到了一位顶级摄影师来给我们拍照 。I have obtained the services of a top photographer to take our pictures2.约翰 , 你记得我们高中的一个夏天录的视频吗?John, do you remember that video we made one summer while we were in high school?参考资料百度百科--photography
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