2023高考英语常考必背核心句型总结 超级详细 中国的九项世界之最英文( 七 )

You can hardly imagine how clever a boy he is.
你几乎想象不到那孩子有多聪明 。
(2) quite/rather/what/such/manya/an(adj)n
例:She sang quite a beautiful song. 她的歌唱得很漂亮 。
He was such a fool as to believe what she said.
他是这样的一个笨蛋以致于相信了她说的话 。
(3) all/both/half/twice then
例:All the students in her class like her very much.
她班上所有的学生都喜欢她 。
(1) Nothing is--- er than toV
Nothing ismore形容词than toV
例:Nothing is more important than to receive education.
没有比接受教育更重要的事 。
(2) no one (nobody, nothing) so/as 原级+as
例:Nobody is so blind as those who will not see.
没有人像那些视而不见的人如此的瞎了 。
(3) 比较级+thanany other名词单数
比较级+thanany of the others
例:Bamboo probably has more uses than any other plant in the world.
(4) 否定词比较级
例:It can’t be worse.这是最糟的
I can’t agree any more.我非常同意 。
(5) be the last ----
例:This is the last thing I want to do. 这是我最不想干的事 。
30、more --- than 句型:
(1) more --- than与其……不如……
例:He is more lazy than slow at his work.
= He is less slow than lazy at his work.
在工作上与其说他慢不如说他懒 。
(2) more than超过;不仅仅是;非常
例:These flags are more than just colorful pieces of cloth and thread sewn together. 这些旗子不只是不同颜色的布料和丝线逢在一起 。
(3) not more than最多,不超过
例:They finished the project in not more than one year.
在不超过一年的时间内,他们完成了那项工程 。
(4) no more than仅仅
例:The officials could see no more than the Emperor.那些官员能看到的仅仅是皇帝
(1) 形式宾语代动词不定式
例:I think it necessary to explore the space. 我认为探索太空是有必要的 。
(2) 形式宾语代从句
例:They found it strange that no one would take the money.
他们感到很奇怪谁也不要这一笔钱 。
(3) 过去分词做宾语补语表示宾语被动的动作:
例:I had my pen stolen. 我的笔被偷了 。
(4) 现在分词做宾语补语表示宾语正在进行的动作 。
例:They found her lying in bed reading a novel.
他们发现她躺在床上看小说 。
(5) 以名词(间或可用代词)作宾语补足语:
例:In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for hisrevolutionary work.
1849年他到了英国,并且把伦敦作为他的**工作的基地 。
I think him an honest man.我认为他是一个诚实的人 。
(6) 介词短语做宾语补语:如:
例:I can't find him in the office.我在办公室外没有发现他 。
(7) What do you find the hardest in... 你觉得……最大的困难是什么
例句:What do you find the hardest in learning English 你觉得学英语最大的困难是什么
(1) Suppose/ Supposing ---, 假如……
例:Suppose/Supposing he is absent, what shall we do?
(2) On condition that只要……;如果……
例:I'll come on condition that John is invited, too.
如果约翰也被邀请,我就来 。
(3) provided (that)/ providing ----- 只要……
I will come provided (that) I am well enough. 只要我身体好,我一定来 。
You may go out providing you do your homework first.
只要你先做作业,你便可以外出 。
(4) so/as long as
例:As/So long as you work hard, you'll succeed in the end.